Eagle Canyon

Eagle Canyon (San Rafael Swell)

Eagle Canyon is easy to access right off of Interstate 70 in the San Rafael Swell. I would rate this trail moderate, as you will need a 4×4 with decent ground clearance to traverse it.

This trail offers great views from within Eagle Canyon and plenty of photo opportunities. You also cross under I-70 twice on this trail. The first time is through a culvert barely bigger than your Jeep. There is not much room for error. The second time is in the canyon where you pass under two large bridges. Check out the picture below.

After making it to the end of the canyon, you can continue on to Swasey’s Cabin with a large sandstone pillar behind it.

Please feel free to leave your comments and post your pictures from Eagle Canyon below.

Eagle Canyon KML Track
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Open file above in Google Earth.

Full Galleries: (07/07)