The Arches of Rattlesnake Canyon

I have wanted to check out the arches of Rattlesnake Canyon for quite a while. Today we finally had a chance to head out and hike the trail through Rattlesnake Canyon since we didn’t head out of town this weekend.

The first arch we came across is Unnamed Arch.

It is right next to Hole in the Bridge.

Hole in the Bridge is a nice double arch.

Looking across Rattlesnake Canyon, you can see a lot of potential for many future arches.

Twin Arch is the next arch along the trail.

Twin Arch is also pretty close to Hole in the Bridge.

Next up is Eye Arch.

One of the largest and most impressive arches along the trail is East Rim Arch.

View from below.

There is plenty of interesting scenery along this trail besides arches.

Overhang Arch is next along the trail. The main trail almost passes right under this one.

Trap Arch is up next. You need to get off the main trail in order to see this one.

The last arch along the main hiking trail is Cedar Tree Arch (Rainbow Arch). This is another pretty large arch.

After hiking back to the Jeep and starting on our way back home, we did stop at one overlook along the road for a view of West Rim Arch. This is a large arch located on the opposite rim of the canyon. I’m sure a photo from underneath and up-close would look great, but it was too far for us to try and hike to today….

We had a great time checking out all of the arches in Rattlesnake Canyon 🙂